Friday, December 14, 2012

Keep it kind, keep it good, keep it right.

Hey guys!
First and most importantly I'd like to express how tragic the current event in Newtown, Connecticut is. It's devastating that an elementary school isn't a safe place for children to go anymore. The families that were affected by this tragedy are in my thoughts and prayers.

Secondly, my first semester here at FIT is finished. I just have one more pilates class tomorrow morning and then I'm heading home. I'm excited to be going home. I'm even more excited for sleeping in. I haven't started packing yet to head home. I definitely need to start that soon. Also, as soon as I get home I need to finish my Christmas shopping and clean my room until it's spotless. As soon as it is I'll show you guys what it looks like. As cool as my room can be sometimes, I hate it. It's the attic and I have an extremely slanted ceiling which makes about half of my room usable and the other half is storage for everything else. Time to get the clutter extremely organized. I need to be more organized desperately.

Another thing I really need to do as soon as I get back is start going to the gym! I'm slacking in the working out and eating healthy department. Over the past year (about) I've lost roughly 30 pounds. I cannot let myself slip back. I have to keep it going. I'm about 10 pounds away from my goal weight, although the way I see myself says differently. I went from a size 14 to a 6 or 8 depending on the brand and style of the jeans. I went from a large in tops to now a small or medium. I can see the weight loss on the scale and in my clothes but when I look in the mirror I don't see it at all. I'm definitely not bathing suit ready. It's hard to eat healthy at school. Without working I can't afford to eat out and the cafeteria only sells so many options. Maybe next semester I'll get a job here in the city that can hopefully be seasonal and work well with my class schedule, that way I can earn some money. There's no where for me to really cook food but maybe I can go to Whole Foods and make healthier purchases. I also need to make time to work out during the spring semester. Time to start getting back on track.

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